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Lessons, Tips, & Recipes — maple syrup

Gluten Free Orange Breakfast Muffin w/ Natural Alternative Sweeteners

The other day I was looking at my bowl of clementines and I was inspired to test out a easy, all purpose gluten free  breakfast muffin. I wanted something that would be bright and fresh. Different from the heavy pumpkin or sweet potato muffins I have been making all winter. I ended up taking a standard muffin recipe I found in my old Betty Crocker Cook Book and messing with it a bit.

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Sugar, Natural Sweeteners and Alternative Sugars

Gluten Free Mama has a lot of requests for information about baking with different sugars, sweeteners and alternative sugars.  I am a baker and there are many baked goods that call for sugar,  without sugar they would not be called Cake,  Donuts, or Cookies.  I am not a nutritionist nor a doctor, I am a baker.  So instead of debating the health issues regarding each sugar/sweetener I will share the basic information 

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Maple Glazed Yams & Cranberries

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and it’s time to start thinking about what to bring to dinner to accompany that juicy turkey.  I have fond memories of the Thanksgiving dinner table.  Family and friends gathered around the table that is overflowing with amazing dishes that are sure to delight our taste buds and fill our tummies with warmth, goodness and love.

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