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Lessons, Tips, & Recipes — Cookie

Gluten Free Spritz Cookies – A Christmas Cookie Tradition!

Spritz Cookies have been a holiday favorite for generations!  Spritz cookies are a German cookie referred to as “Spritzgebäck”, which are made from flour, butter, sugar and eggs.  They are made using a cookie press that has different templates and make different designs, or can be made using a pastry bag with a star tip. They are called Spritz cookies because they come from the word “spritzen” which means “to squirt”. They are a fragile cookie in nature with a rich buttery taste.

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Gluten Free Oatmeal M & M Cookies ~ Egg free

My gluten free and egg free Oatmeal M & M Cookies have got to be the best gluten free cookie, wait….best cookie I have ever had.  These are definitely MY favorite!  After all the baking I did through the November and December month creating my gluten free Christmas cookbook, new blog posts and feeding my family, I vowed that January would be a no sweets month.  I lasted 2 days!!!  Two Whole Days!!!!  How long did you last?

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