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Lessons, Tips, & Recipes — Kids

Gluten Free Back to School Snack Packs for School Lunches

Gluten Free Snack Bucket is a simple way to give your gluten free child the freedom to choose healthy snacks for school lunches and after school!  It’s easy to prepare, and only takes about an hour every couple of weeks to stock it up.  Back to School is here and if you are like me, you are ready for routine!  I love summer, but I think I love routine more.  Now I am gearing up for the school year again.  Luckily, our school that my 10 year old Celiac, Lexie, goes to now serves gluten free lunches, due to several kids in the school having similar issues.  However, it is still more affordable for us to send her to school...

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Gluten Free Granola

Mama’s Gluten Free Granola ~ Delicious Back to School Snack for School age and College age students, Great for breakfast for all ages, & delicious on the go snack for traveling or during breaks at work. Mama’s Gluten Free Granola recipe is great for serving with yogurt for a quick and healthy morning breakfast for your school aged children or for you! You can add M & M’s to it and it makes a perfect mid-morning or afternoon snack for your kiddos.

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