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A Gluten Free Christmas with Gluten Free Mama Cookbook, by Rachel Carlyle Edington

IT’S FINALLY HERE!  I have been working tirelessly on this new gluten free Christmas Cookbook for you! “A Gluten Free Christmas with Gluten Free Mama“, By Rachel Carlyle Edington.   I am so excited to share it with you.  It is full of 37 recipes to help you enjoy success baking this Christmas season.  In this special e-book, I am sharing a collection of gluten free Christmas favorites including recipes for sugar cookies, peanut butter blossoms, gingerbread cookies, pies, scones, gluten free gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gluten free gingerbread loaves and many more. Mama’s recipes use Gluten Free Mama’s All- Purpose Almond or Coconut Blend Flours, however, any high quality gluten free flour will work with any of Mama’s recipes. This is my 3rd Cookbook and the first E-Edition Cookbook.

Let me tell you about why I did an e-book.  First of all, my kitchen is full of cookbooks cluttering up my shelves.  When I go to find a recipe, I have to search through all of them to find that one recipe that I remember looking at a while back, and I think “What book was that in?” In addition, to cluttering up my kitchen cupboards when I go to open my cupboard which has them stacked in there with my baking pans, it never fails that one falls out and hits me in the head!  Please tell me that I am not the only one!

So what is exciting about this book is that it is stored on a fabulous app that is called Cookbook Café on any Apple devices and if you are on a PC then you would go to  It is free to install the app and to have an account.

There are several cookbooks to choose from that you can download, some are free from home cooks, and the professional books range anywhere from a few dollars to $12.99.  When you download a book it is automatically stored in your Cookbook Box.  Then when you want to make something you can go directly to your cookbook box and see all the recipes you have from all your cookbooks with beautiful pictures.  Or if you have lots of books downloaded and you know you want to make say, sugar cookies, then you type in sugar cookies, then the app will pull up all of the sugar cookie recipes in all of your cookbooks you have downloaded.  If you don’t have a sugar cookie in your downloaded books, then you can click sugar cookie in the search cookbook box and everyone who has a cookbook with that recipe will pop up and you can choose to download a new cookbook.  It is a fabulous tool!  So no more searching through every book to find that one recipe you wanted to remember to make.

In this app you can also upload all of your family recipes into your recipe box and when you want to make them you can either print it out, or bring your ipad or pad to the kitchen and place it on a cookbook holder and your recipe is right there. It is a great way to save all of your family recipes and be able to share them with your family and friends and keep the traditions going.

The statistics say that most people search the internet for recipes now, and bring their computers, ipads, or notebook computers to the kitchen and bake from there.  It is easier, it saves time, and it saves space and clutter.  I love that each recipe has a picture, that I can print the recipe in a beautiful format if I want and that the computer will easily search for the recipe I want to make.  I think you will love the concept.

This website and app has won awards and even been featured on Fox news.  Click here to watch!

 Anyway, I hope that you will support Gluten Free Mama and by my cookbook and that you enjoy all of the delicious recipes I prepared for you.  I also hope that you enjoy organizing your recipes in this great place.

For Apple: Search your apps for Cookbook Café

For PC: Go to

To download A Gluten Free Christmas with Gluten Free Mama, Click Here.  It’s at a super great price of only $4.99  You get 37 delicious recipes!

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