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Lessons, Tips, & Recipes — veggies

Gluten Free Parmesan Fried Chicken with Pesto Zucchini Noodles, Spaghettable

Can you say delicious?  That is what you will say when you eat Mama’s Gluten Free Parmesan Fried Chicken with Pesto Zucchini Noodles.  The Spaghettable makes this dinner a cinch! Zucchini Noodles are not only gluten free, they are easy to make, delicious and a healthy!  Fried Chicken, not as healthy, but lets just say it’s amazingly delicious!  The folks at Spaghettable are giving away 5 Spaghettable spiralizers, so be sure to enter the contestat the bottom of this post!

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