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Lessons, Tips, & Recipes — Soda Biscuits

Gluten Free Soda Biscuits from Mama’s Guest Blogger Life After Wheat

Dear friends, I am excited to introduce you to another friend and fellow blogger, Celeste from Life After Wheat.  She is sharing her Gluten Free Soda Biscuit Recipe with us today!  When asking my gluten free friends if anyone would be willing to guest post while I am recovering from my current health crisis, she was one of the first to offer. Celeste was like many of us when three years ago her husband was diagnosed with allergies to not only gluten, wheat, but barley, oats and soy.  What do you do?  Well you learn how to bake gluten free and allergy free and you figure it out….just like each of you! Celeste was determined to make gluten free food that tasted...

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