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Gluten Free Soda Biscuits from Mama’s Guest Blogger Life After Wheat

Dear friends, I am excited to introduce you to another friend and fellow blogger, Celeste from Life After Wheat.  She is sharing her Gluten Free Soda Biscuit Recipe with us today!  When asking my gluten free friends if anyone would be willing to guest post while I am recovering from my current health crisis, she was one of the first to offer. Celeste was like many of us when three years ago her husband was diagnosed with allergies to not only gluten, wheat, but barley, oats and soy.  What do you do?  Well you learn how to bake gluten free and allergy free and you figure it out….just like each of you! Celeste was determined to make gluten free food that tasted just as good as what her husband remembered, and she also decided to share what she learned and her recipes in her new blog, Life After Wheat, which features proven gluten and soy free recipes, product recommendations, baking tips, and recommended allergy substitutions.  I hope you enjoy her post and recipe!

Hi Gluten Free Mama Readers!

I’m Celeste and I run a gluten free recipe blog called Life After Wheat. When my husband was diagnosed with food allergies (wheat, soy, barley, and oats) 3 years ago, we refused to settle for the lack of taste and texture stereotypical of a gluten free lifestyle.

I was determined that all of our favorite foods could be made to taste just as good, if not better, without using the gluten.

Today I would like to share one of our family’s favorite recipes, Gluten Free Soda Biscuits.

It’s one that took years to develop and which we now make about once a week. These Soda Biscuits are tender, light, and flaky. Many (our kids included) have commented that they are better than any glutenous biscuits they’ve eaten. I agree, and even told my husband I don’t ever need a wheat biscuit again!

This recipe has a few HUGE selling points. First of all, say goodbye to gritty texture and hard, dense, structure. These are light, airy, and perfectly flaky. Second, these are the easiest biscuits you’ll ever make! I’ll give you a hint: no pastry blender required. Last but not least, they are gluten free, but they definitely don’t taste that way!

I’ve tried this recipe with several different flour blends, and Gluten Free Mama’s Almond Blend yields the best texture every time. I strongly recommend using this flour. If you don’t already have some in your pantry, you can purchase it here.

Click Here for the Gluten Free Soda Biscuit Recipe, and happy gluten free baking!

Your New Gluten Free Friend~Celeste

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