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Gluten Free Sugar Cookies

Sugar cookies seem to be a staple in my life. I can’t figure out if I am constantly making sugar cookies for my kids and all their fun activities/parties or if I just love them so much I’ll find any excuse to make a batch, or two or three……..

Either way you can have complete confidence that these sugar cookies have been thoroughly vetted for their sweet taste and soft texture.

This recipe is from the “In the Kitchen with Gluten Free Mama”cookbook (pg. 164) and I love it so much I wanted to share it publicly on the blog for everyone.

At our home this week, these cookies will definitely be baking on repeat as I prepare for Valentine’s Day and all the fun the holiday of love brings.

This recipe is easy and quick. So if you are feeling the love and want to make some for your co-workers, neighbors, family or school parties don’t hesitate. Just make sure to put a few on the side for yourself before they’re all snatched up.  Happy Valentine’s and happy baking!



2 cups Mama’s Almond or Coconut Blend Flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp xantham gum

1/2 cup butter

1 cup sugar

1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1 egg

1-2 Tbsp milk (dairy, rice, nut, soy)


Preheat oven to 350°.

In a medium bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, salt and xantham gum. Set aside.

Cream the butter and sugar together. Add vanilla extract and egg. Mix well.

Add half of flour mixture and mix until combined. Add milk as needed to form a nice dough ball.

Divide dough into 3-4 portions. Generously flour pastry mat or counter. Sprinkle dough generously with flour. Roll out to about 1/4 inch thickness. Cut out desired shapes with cookie cutters. Place cookies on a baking sheet 2 inches apart. If desired sprinkle with sugar or candy sprinkles.

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until cookies just begin to brown on the outer edges. Move cookies to cooling rack.

Recipe by Rachel Carlyle Edington

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