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Baking Tips — Just Desserts

Lemon Meringue Pie ~ Gluten Free & Dairy Free

IT’S PI DAY! 3.1415, 3.14.15 ~ Let’s Celebrate with Gluten Free Lemon Meringue Pie Gluten Free Mama along with Mama’s gluten free blogging friends are excited to celebrate Pi day!  Will you celebrate with us?  Today is the one day we get to celebrate eating infinite amounts of pie; Chocolate Cream Pie, Strawberry Pie, Apple Pie, Coconut Cream Pie, Blueberry Pie, Huckleberry Pie, Mixed Berry Pie, Minced Meat Pie, Boston Cream Pie, Grasshopper Pie or you could try Mama’s new pie, Lemon Meringue.  Don’t like sweet pies?  No problem, we could do savory pies; Taco Pie, Shepherds Pie, Chicken Pot Pie or Mama’s favorite Hamburger Pie.  How about breakfast pies, also known as quiches but so similar that we couldn’t leave those...

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