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Gluten Free & Corn Free Pancakes

Gluten Free & Corn Free Pancakes, Written and Created by Gluten Free Mama’s Friend and Social Media Director, Angela 

When my daughter was born I assumed she would be just a regular kid. Little did I know that God has other plans for my baby girl. Even though I ate organic, took my vitamins and had been gluten free for 6 years; my little girl was born with an incomprehensible amount of food allergies. However it took a while for us to figure all this out. To break it down for you, she could eat a total of 10 foods until she turned 1. This made feeding her quite a challenge. However, God in His wisdom turned her tragedy into triumph.  Not only did I become quite a scratch chef but also I was able to share the things I learned about natural healing foods with many other mothers who had sick kids. Now that she is almost 2 things are getting easier. Her body is responding well to things we could have never touched before; like dairy!  But there are many things we absolutely must still avoid, such as cane/beet sugar and all corn products. She can even have a small about of gluten now but for the most part we are still a gluten free household.


As you know toddlers love pancakes. This is my recipe for gluten free, corn free, sugar free pancakes! So light and fluffy you will never know. You can make them dairy free with any milk substitute and they will come out pretty close to mine.


Dry Ingredients:

1 cup Mama’s Almond or Coconut Blend Flour

1 tsp of baking powder

(For CORN FREE use Hain Pure Foods: Feather Weight BakingPowder)

½ tsp of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda

1 tbls of Organic Coconut Sugar (I use Madhava Natural Sweeteners) 

Dash of cinnamon (Optional)

¼ tsp of salt (For CORN FREE use REAL Salt)


IMPORTANT: I believe it is key to put all the dry ingredients into a food processor or blender. Blend until all are well mixed. Then add the wet ingredients.


Wet Ingredients:

1 egg (For CORN FREE make sure the chickens are raised on corn free feed)

½ cup of milk or milk substitute

¼ cup water


Blend all wet and dry ingredients till smooth.

Heat your pan (I prefer cast iron) to medium temperature and grease with butter or coconut oil. Then the rest is just cook and serve. I guarantee you will not be disappointed. This batch makes about 8 pancakes.  

I hope you enjoy them as much as we do. I make these at least 3 times a week. They are my daughter’s favorite. It may seem like a small thing but when you find a recipe that your allergy prone child loves it is a true gift for God. Happy Cooking!


Recipe made and created by Gluten Free Mama Staff  ©Angela Ishmael

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