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Gluten Free Lace Cookies

Gluten Free Lace Cookies, by Emily McMason

Three years ago, I showed up at a booksigning in Olympia Washington for my first cookbook.  Unbeknownst to me, the store told the customers ahead of time that I was going to do a lecture.  So here I am with all my “booksigning” stuff set up including samples and what not, and customers start walking through the doors with their notebooks.  They asked me where is the class?  I said there is no class, just a booksigning.  One customer demanded, “I came here for a class, and I want a class!”  Being the accomodating personality I am, I quickly relocated my materials and samples into the room next door and started handing out cookbooks, telling everyone to take a seat while I finish setting up. 

I went on to teach a 1 1/2 hour class on gluten free baking from my cuff.  Then signed cookbooks for about and hour.  It was a blast!  However, I have to say I prayed under my breath through the whole class asking God to give me the words to speak.  That event sparked the beginning of my speaking engagements and classes, as well as a beginning of a very special friendship.

Emily McMason, from Olympia attended that class.  Shortly after the class she sent me a family christmas cookie recipe that she wanted converted to gluten free.  Her family hadn’t been able to have it since going gluten free.  I was delighted to work on it for her and you can now see that recipe “Holiday Wreath Tart Cookies”, in my new cookbook In the Kitchen with Gluten Free Mama.   Since then we have been sharing recipes and bouncing ideas off each other. Emily is also a “Gluten Free Mama”.  She has 2 children at home and a husband who eat gluten free. Emily has so graciously shared a recipe with us for the 25 days of a Gluten Free Christmas.  Enjoy!

Lace Cookies, by Emily McMason

These Christmas cookies are the first ones I remember baking as a child. My babysitter would invite me to her house every December to make them. The original recipe has been lost, this one comes (and is adapted) from ‘The Christmas Cookie Book’ by Lou Seibert Pappas.

Version for kids:


½ cup firmly packed light brown sugar
6 tablespoons unsalted butter (or dairy free substitute)
3 tablespoons honey or agave 
1 tablespoon heavy cream (or any milk or dairy free substitute)
¼ teaspoon salt
½ cup Gluten Free Mama’s Almond or Coconut blend flour
¾ cup certified gluten-free oats

For adults to add a spice and / or earthy tone add:

¼ teaspoon ground ginger
¼ teaspoon ground cloves

Directions: Preheat the over to 375 degrees. Line baking sheets will aluminum foil and then very generously butter it.

In a saucepan, over medium heat, combine the brown sugar, butter, honey / agave, heavy cream, salt (and spices if used).

Once the mixture is bubbling, remove from heat and add flour and oats. Using a teaspoon drop dough onto baking sheets 4 inches apart from one another.

Bake for 6 minutes. Take from the oven and move the foil and cookies onto cooling racks. Peel the cookies from the foil only once they are fully cooled. When storing them, place parchment paper between layers.

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