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Mama’s Sugar Cookie Mix and Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies

Mama’s Sugar Cookie Mix! This mix will delight the taste buds of the gluten free or not. It is easy to make and delish! On the back of the package are two delicious recipes, one for Sugar Cookies and one for Snickerdoodles. More recipes coming soon.

If your kids are like mine, they wait until bedtime to announce it is their treat day the next day. I always find myself scrambling to find a convenience mix in my cupboard that is easy to make. Mama’s Sugar Cookie Mix is sure to be a hit with your kids and their friends, and you can throw it together fast and kids can make them too!

My favorite recipe other than the rolled out Sugar Cookies is using it to make Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies. These cookies have a hint of almond and an almond glaze. They are perfect to take to share at work, church meetings, or make for guests, and they are beautiful! Your friends will think you went to a lot of work to make these. But here is my warning…only make this recipe if you have someone to share them with. They are so good you won’t be able to stop eating them. I made them the other day and before I knew it I had eaten 12 of them. NOT GOOD! I hope you enjoy the mix and all the recipes. If you create a recipe using the mix feel free to pass it on and we will share it so others can enjoy it too.

Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies


1 PKG Mama’s Sugar Cookie Mix
¾ cup butter or dairy free margarine
½ tsp. almond extract
1 egg white
Raspberry Jam ( I use simply fruit by smuckers)

1 cup powdered sugar
½ tsp. almond extract
1-2 Tbsp. milk (dairy, rice, nut, soy) or water

Directions: Preheat oven to 350°.

Cream butter or margarine with almond extract. Scrape down sides of bowl and add egg white. Mix to combine. Slowly pour in cookie mix allowing it to mix in well before each addition. Once all mix is added, mix on low speed for about 30-60 seconds or until well mixed. Scraped down sides of bowl to for and pick up dough. Kneed the remaining crumbs into the dough until you have a smooth ball of dough.

Form ¾ inch – 1 inch balls. Place 2 inches apart on cookie sheet. Gently press on the top of the cookie to form and indent with your thumb. Measure out ¼ tsp of jam and fill the cookie. Allow to bake for 14-16 minutes.

Allow cookies to remain on cookie sheet for 1 minute before removing to cooling rack. Cool completely.

Mix together powdered sugar, almond extract and 1 tbsp. of milk. Add 1 tsp. at a time more until you get a thick glaze that will hold it shape when drizzled. Drizzle over the tops of the cookies in a zig zag motion.

Tip: You can pipe the icing onto the cookies for a nicer presentation by putting the glaze in a small ziplock bag. Cut a small tip at the bottom being careful not to cut to much off. Squeeze the glaze in a zig zag motion over the cookies.

Tip: Don’t make your dough balls too big, it will make the cookies spread and won’t be as pretty.

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