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Gluten Free Flax Pancakes

Mama’s Pancake Mix with Flax!  Great way to start off any day!  High in Omega 3’s and Oh So Delicious!

Flax Pancakes

1 1/2 cups Mama’s Pancake Mix
1/2 cup ground flax seed
3 Tbsp. whole flax seed
2 eggs *
1 1/4 cups milk (dairy, rice, nut, soy)

* For egg free use 1/4 applesauce and 1 1/2 cup milk)

Mix all ingredients.  Heat skillet over medium heat.  Drop 1/3 cup batter onto buttered skillet forming a circle with back of measuring cup.  Flip pancakes when bubbles begin to form and underside is golden brown.  Cook until both sides are golden brown.

Serve Warm.  Makes 8-10 pancakes

Note:  Add blueberries for a burst of antioxidants!

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