Mama’s Pizza Crust makes a great Friday Night Pizza Night
Super Bread sticks too!
Friday’s have been pizza night at our house for as long as I can remember. It is a tradition my parents started and I continued with my family. Do you have a designated pizza night at your home? If so what day? What is your favorite pizza?
Have you tried Mama’s Pizza Crust Mix? It is easy to make and tastes better than regular wheat flour pizza. Truly, it does!!!! You can make it thin crust or thick crust. Add and extra egg and allow to rise for 1 1/2 hours to make it into bread sticks. Make it garlic bread sticks by brushing olive oil over the top and slicing fresh garlic all over it. Yum!!!! Or make a bunch up on disposable pizza pans, freeze, and have for lunch during the week or on a “don’t feel like cooking” night. So many possibilities!