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Gluten Free & Corn Free Rich Chocolate Cake with a Twist

This past weekend my baby girl officially became a toddler. I have a 2 year old….how did that happen? As I am sure many of you can relate to, 2 year old’s are quite aware that their birthday is coming up. The week before her party she was constantly asking to practice singing Happy Birthday and blowing out her candles. Needless to say you could tell just how excited she was about her big day.
I knew I wanted to make her a special personal cake to pair with all the cupcakes. The theme was pink butterflies. I thought it would be perfect to have the butterfly resting on a flower as her cake; then pair them with pink rosette cupcakes. I planned on using Gluten Free Mama’s Rich Chocolate Cake recipe with a twist to make it corn free due to my daughters other allergies. Besides in my house it is not a celebration without chocolate!

Gluten Free Rich Chocolate Cake with a twist
2 Cups of Gluten Free Mama’s Flour Almond or Coconut blend
1/2 cup pure coco powder
1/2 tsp of salt
2 tsp of baking powder ( I use Hain Pure Foods Featherweight Baking Powder to be corn free) 
1tsp of baking soda (I added this because I wanted that raised dome top for the flower) 
1tsp of guar gum (this is to make it corn free) xantham gum works too but not corn free 

3/4 cup of butter or dairy free substitute
2 cups of sugar (I use Organic Coconut sugar)
1/4 cup of Maple syrup (I use this because coconut sugar is not near as sweet as cane sugar)  
4 eggs (For corn free they must be from chickens raised without corn) 
2 tsp of gluten free vanilla ( I use Frontier Alcohol-Free Fair Trade Certified Vanilla Flavor to be corn free) 
1 1/4 cup milk or milk substitute ( I used So Delicious Organic Sugar Free Original Coconut Milk to be corn free) 

For that extra blast of chocolate I added a 10oz bag of Enjoy Life Gluten free, Dairy, Soy Free Chocolate Chips but this is totally optional.

Cream butter with sugar and maple syrup first then add eggs in one at a time. Then in a separate bowl blend all the dry ingredients together. Add dry to wet ingredients slowing taking turns with pouring in milk. Mix well for 1-2 minutes till smooth.

To make a mini cake like the one I did, pour batter into a greased 4 inch spring form pan. For that dome look to it, fill it almost to the top. Bake for 40 min at 350 degrees or until knife comes out clean after inserting it into the deepest part of the cake. To decorate I just used a standard star tip and I made a basic butter cream frosting.  

Butter Cream Frosting

3 sticks of butter (1 1/2 pounds)
1 pound of powdered sugar (To be corn free use Trader Joe’s Organic brand) 

Whip together until smooth and add color as desired

It was a special day for my baby girl and for all of us. It is blessing that even with some of the most overwhelming allergies we can still create delicious and beautiful treats for the ones we love. 
Happy Baking! – Angela 

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