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Gluten Free Mama’s 5 Things to do with Lemon Zest

We use lemons in baking, cooking, adding to water and other drinks.  When we juice the lemon we are leaving behind a wonderful ingredient that is just usually discarded, the lemon zest.  Lemon zest is great used in baked good, adding to savory cooking, and you can also make butter, oil, candied zest and more.  Simply zest your lemon before juicing and you can use this delicious ingredient for future use.  Store in a ziploc container and freeze until ready to use.  Then you can happily juice all of your lemons.

There are two zesters I recommend using.

1. Microplane ZesterClick Here.  With a Microplane zester you can easily zest the lemon and it is minced perfectly without any chopping necessary.

2. Julienne ZesterClick Here.  With a Julienne zester, the peeler makes perfectly even strands of zest, perfect for garnishing dishes, and using in various other ways.

There are so many things you can do with zest.  Below are my 5 favorite ways to use. zest.

I love sharing my favorite baking tips! Do you have a favorite tip with lemon zest?  List it below in the comments section. I also love to hear from my followers, so feel free to leave comments, ask questions or leave your tips. 

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